Then, suddenly a cat appeared.
The cat ran over to her, meowed, and climbed up on her.
It was a white cat with some black stripes.
Then the princess said, "Do you want to be my pet?"
The cat meowed again which meant yes.
Then, poof! The princess looked pretty.
"Wow!" she said. "I love this dress. It is so pretty. What a good day. I'm so, so, so pretty."
Then she went home and told her husband. Her husband was shocked. He thought it was cool that the dress appeared. He wondered how it happened.
Then he suddenly saw some sparkles appear, then dissappear. And he thought it was really cool.
"Wow," he said. "Did you see that?"
"Yes, that's awesome! I wonder how it happened? Do you think there's some kind of thing behind the wall?"
Then the prince said, "I don't know. Maybe."
The end, for today.